





Now people often like to keep pets at home, and turtles are one of the most popular pets. Today, let's talk about the feng shui knowledge of turtles in animal sculpture. There is a certain relationship between tortoise and Feng Shui. Some people like tortoise and some people hate tortoise very much, but many people will put tortoise accessories at home.



1. Turtles walking everywhere are called "Huasha turtles" in Feng Shui. Raising turtles can play the role of Huasha. The reason is that there are turtle patterns on the back and twelve grids at the bottom, representing twelve earth branches. Strangely, the layout of a turtle shell contains all the codes representing the mystery of the universe. Therefore, the turtle is known as one of the four spirits.



In ancient times, tortoise was called "Xuanwu", and together with "green dragon", "white tiger" and "rosefinch", it was called "four spirit culture". In addition, the turtle shell is solitary, which has the significance of dissolving evil Qi and resisting direct attack. If the office location has a beam in Feng Shui to press the top, Feng Shui turtle is the best thing to dissolve.



2. Strengthen fire transportation and drive away the negative evil gods. Turtles belong to fire. Raising turtles is actually raising fire, that is, replenishing fire. It is especially helpful for people who lack fire in the eight characters. It can drive away the negative evil gods and prevent people from falling.



3. Purify the air raise a tortoise to walk around at home, basically without feeding, because it will absorb microorganisms in the air, so as to purify the room air. At the same time, it is also one of the methods to improve home feng shui.



Chinese people especially like turtles because they live a long life and can witness the rise and fall of the world for hundreds of years. They have been regarded as a symbol of longevity and auspiciousness since ancient times. When a person's family fortune is extremely poor or he wants to use fire, it is suggested that the person raise a turtle at home and let the turtle walk around. On the one hand, he can use the turtle shell to block evil spirits and drive away bad luck. On the other hand, he can strengthen fire fortune and drive away negative evil gods. Therefore, raising turtles can also prevent people from falling.


版权所有:河北铸铜动物雕塑制作生产厂家 ICP备案编号:冀ICP备19005158号-5
